Personal Care


Personal care is necessary for good health and maintaining self-esteem. We recognise that it can be challenging for some clients because it is such an intimate activity.

As Personal Care we offer:

  • Bathing / Showering assistance 

  • Grooming

  • Incontinence care 

  • Mobility & activity 

  • Medication reminders 

  • Assistance getting in and out of bed

  • Assistance dressing and undressing

Personal Care

We have a thorough understanding of personal care and its sensitivities. We know how to take the right approach based on your personality and needs. We know how to establish a trusting and safe environment in which to build a strong relationship without compromising dignity.

We understand the value of encouraging clients who are able to perform certain aspects of their personal care routine on their own, this supports a positive self-esteem.

Our personal care services are created specifically for each person, such as clients with short-term or long-term illnesses such as Dementia (Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular dementia, mixed dementia and Lewy Body Dementia), Parkinson's disease, and other chronic illnesses and conditions.

Bathing / Showering Assistance 

Taking baths, having a shower or a bed wash offers numerous physical and mental health benefits, but it is particularly important as the skin ages and for carers to understand when caring for an elderly person, it helps to avoid skin irritations, infections,  Urinary Track Infections (UTIs) and stimulates  circulation. It is also refreshing and invigorating helping  people to feel good.


Grooming affects emotions and promotes feelings of self-confidence and well-being, both of which are important in elderly care.

Grooming entails assisting with the face (skin care, shave, make-up), hair (style, drying, trimming hair ends), dental care, nails (cleaning, filing, paint), skin care, clothing, footwear, and so forth.

Incontinence Care 

We are aware of the delicate nature of this circumstance which sometimes causes the elderly to be distressed and embarrassed by their incontinence or about the use of catheters, but our cares are trained to adopt the correct approach and techniques based on the client's personality and needs.

We focus on providing a suitable, comfortable and secure environment for any toileting needs.

Mobility & Activity 

The changes that occur as people age might cause problems with mobility, or the capacity to move around. Mobility concerns include unsteadiness while walking, difficulty getting in and out of a chair, and falls.

Our carers are able to work with prevention of fall by detecting when the elderly develop indicators that suggest the need for walking aids and notify the Public Health Nurse or Occupational Therapists of the new needs of the client, following physio plans and general exercise support. They also do a home safety check on a regular basis, removing hazards that could cause falls.

Our carers understand how important it is to encourage physical activity among elderly people in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Even a small amount of activity helps to strengthen bones and muscles, improve walking stability, and avoid fractures. It also increases stamina, strengthens the heart, lowers blood pressure, improves digestion, and promotes a better sleep. It also helps to elevate mood, relieves stress, and boosts mental alertness.

Medication Reminders 

Our carers can help clients with their prescribed treatment by prompting, assisting, and reminding them, as well as collecting prescriptions.

Assistance getting in and out of bed / Assistance dressing and undressing

We can assist our clients to get ready for bed following their routine such as reminding of medications, skin care or shower, to get undressed and ready for bed.

Assisting the client getting out of bed following their routine such as reminding of medications, skin care or shower, to get dressed and preparing breakfast in the morning.

We also can assist our clients with practical or styling dressing for events or appointments.


Arrange a personal care and support plan with the Great Care Co-op today